Mobile First Website for Holisticare
Holisticare -
What We Did:
Website Design & Development -
2023 - Visit Site
- Website

We are really pleased to have a honor to work with Holisticare on redesigning Holisticare’s website. Holisticare EsterC is one of the best product of PT. Indocare Citrapasific (Indocare). Indocare itself is an Indonesian based company specialize on food supplements and personal care. On this opportunity, Holisticare wants to change their brand image and gave us the chance to do some redesign for their website.

The Problem
The old Holisticare website had some problem on their website, such as non-responsive, the CMS wasn’t user friendly for the users to upload some new products and the design was old. So, our goal is to make the website more user friendly, from the CMS and also the UI/UX. Thereafter, we will make some improvement to the design to make the webiste look modern and up to date
The Goal
Holisticare’s website is a website for company profile, the client’s purpose is to re-design their website so it’s focusing on the Mobile Experience. Besides of that, it also focusing on product listing to introduce their product to the customer. The website also expected to be their marketing base, so the customer could know that holisticare’s product could be bought anywhere. Client wants the modernistic website design dominated with orange-ish yellow and navy blue.

What We Did?
Starting from making the mobile design because the client wants to focus on the mobile experience. We designed Holisticare website so the website could be accessed from smartphone and tablet so that will still be responsive and look good in both User Interface and User Experience, after that, we will continue to make the desktop design. The desktop design is based from the mobile design, just with some re-arrange to fit into the desktop size with some improvement on the User Interface and User Experience. Outdate design these days be a really modern and up to date design, combine with some nice products picture, the website will be more aesthetic and also eyecatching.

We comitted to help developing your business
We uphold the international standard for website services and mobile apps, because we want to create the best services that needed around the world while providing the ‘out of expectation’ service for the customer.